CSC300: HW Answers [3/4] | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
2.1.1 Show, in the style of the example trace with Algorithm 2.1, how selection sort sorts the array E A S Y Q U E S T I O N ^ * A E S Y Q U E S T I O N ^ A E S Y Q U E S T I O N ^ * A E E Y Q U S S T I O N ^ * A E E I Q U S S T Y O N ^ * A E E I N U S S T Y O Q ^ * A E E I N O S S T Y U Q ^ * A E E I N O Q S T Y U S ^ A E E I N O Q S T Y U S ^ * A E E I N O Q S S Y U T ^ * A E E I N O Q S S T U Y ^ A E E I N O Q S S T U Y ^ A E E I N O Q S S T U Y ^ 2.1.2* What is the maximum number of exchanges involving any particular item during selection sort? What is the average number of exchanges involving an item? max # of exchanges for selection sort for a particular element: N An example: 501234 051234 015234 012534 012354 012345 total # of exchanges <= N total # of elements = N average <= 1 2.1.1 Show, in the style of the example trace with Algorithm 2.1, how insertion sort sorts the array E A S Y Q U E S T I O N ^ E A S Y Q U E S T I O N * ^ A E S Y Q U E S T I O N ^ A E S Y Q U E S T I O N ^ A E S Y Q U E S T I O N * ^ A E S Q Y U E S T I O N * ^ A E Q S Y U E S T I O N * ^ A E Q S U Y E S T I O N * ^ A E Q S U E Y S T I O N * ^ A E Q S E U Y S T I O N * ^ A E Q E S U Y S T I O N * ^ A E E Q S U Y S T I O N * ^ A E E Q S U S Y T I O N * ^ A E E Q S S U Y T I O N * ^ A E E Q S S U T Y I O N * ^ A E E Q S S T U Y I O N * ^ A E E Q S S T U I Y O N * ^ A E E Q S S T I U Y O N * ^ A E E Q S S I T U Y O N * ^ A E E Q S I S T U Y O N * ^ A E E Q I S S T U Y O N * ^ A E E I Q S S T U Y O N * ^ A E E I Q S S T U O Y N * ^ A E E I Q S S T O U Y N * ^ A E E I Q S S O T U Y N * ^ A E E I Q S O S T U Y N * ^ A E E I Q O S S T U Y N * ^ A E E I O Q S S T U Y N * ^ A E E I O Q S S T U N Y * ^ A E E I O Q S S T N U Y * ^ A E E I O Q S S N T U Y * ^ A E E I O Q S N S T U Y * ^ A E E I O Q N S S T U Y * ^ A E E I O N Q S S T U Y * ^ A E E I N O Q S S T U Y ^ 2.1.6* Which method runs faster for an array with all keys identical, selection sort or insertion sort? faster with identical keys: insertion=N compares and 0 swaps selection=N^2/2 compares and 0 swaps Three important facts for this problem: 1. if all keys are identical then it's sorted 2. for a sorted array, insert sort is linear (it just checks every element to the adjacent one) 3. for any array, selection sort does a quadratic number of comparisons. Since the comparison pattern of selection sort is fixed, it still has worst case performance. 2.1.7* Which method runs faster for an array in reverse order, selection sort or insertion sort? faster for reversed array: insertion=N^2/2 compares and N^2/2 swaps selection=N^2/2 compares and N swaps Experimentally insertion with reversed array: 4000 15999998 4.0 [0.049 0.721] 8000 63999998 4.0 [0.173 3.531] 16000 255999998 4.0 [0.761 4.399] 32000 1023999998 4.0 [2.911 3.825] 64000 4095999998 4.0 [12.374 4.251] selection with reversed array: 4000 8005999 4.0 [0.026 0.226] 8000 32011999 4.0 [0.115 4.423] 16000 128023999 4.0 [0.489 4.252] 32000 512047999 4.0 [1.964 4.016] 64000 2048095999 4.0 [8.282 4.217] 2.1.8* Suppose that we use insertion sort on a randomly ordered array where items have only one of three values. Is the running time linear, quadratic, or something in between? should be quadratic. Number of values does not matter, it's their distribution. three values: 4000 5203612 3.8 [0.016 0.364] 8000 21434206 4.1 [0.053 3.313] 16000 84502719 3.9 [0.210 3.962] 32000 342564934 4.1 [0.886 4.219] 64000 1360115026 4.0 [3.488 3.937] 128000 5419985602 4.0 [12.636 3.623] two values: 4000 4039762 4.1 [0.012 0.279] 8000 16011924 4.0 [0.041 3.417] 16000 64837772 4.0 [0.155 3.780] 32000 254433286 3.9 [0.599 3.865] 64000 1022514350 4.0 [2.537 4.235] 128000 4097713293 4.0 [9.868 3.890] one value (therefore presorted): 4000 7998 2.0 [0.002 Infinity] 8000 15998 2.0 [0.001 0.500] 16000 31998 2.0 [0.001 1.000] 32000 63998 2.0 [0.000 0.000] 64000 127998 2.0 [0.001 Infinity] 128000 255998 2.0 [0.000 0.000] To get test, initialize as Integer[] a = new Integer[N]; for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) a[i] = (i*2)/N; StdRandom.shuffle (a); 2.1.15* Expensive exchange. A clerk at a shipping company is charged with the task of rearranging a number of large crates in order of the time they are to be shipped out. Thus, the cost of compares is very low (just look at the labels) relative to the cost of ex- changes (move the crates). The warehouse is nearly full --- there is extra space sufficient to hold any one of the crates, but not two. What sorting method should the clerk use? selection sort # exchanges <= N. 2.1.24 Insertion sort with sentinel. Develop an implementation of insertion sort that eliminates the j>0 test in the inner loop by first putting the smallest item into position. Use SortCompare to evaluate the effectiveness of doing so. Note : It is often possible to avoid an index-out-of-bounds test in this way-the element that enables the test to be eliminated is known as a sentinel. See 2.1.25 Insertion sort without exchanges. Develop an implementation of insertion sort that moves larger elements to the right one position with one array access per entry, rather than using exchange(). Use SortCompare to evaluate the effectiveness of doing so. See