
Concepts of Programming Languages

Scala Introduction

Instructor: James Riely



  • Scala has a REPL
  • Boolean, numeric, and string Literals as in Java
    false || true
    1 + 2
    ("hello" + " " + "world").length
  • Use of Java's libraries
    val dir = ("/tmp")
    dir.listFiles.filter (f => f.isDirectory && f.getName.startsWith ("c"))

Everything Is An Object

  • 5:Int is an object with methods
  • Methods can have symbolic names (See scala.Int)
    5.+ (6)
  • scala.runtime.RichInt adds more methods
    5.max (6)
  • e1.f(e2) can be written as e1 f e2
    5 + 6
    5 max 6

Mutable Variables


int x = 10;        // declare and initialize x
x = 11;            // assignment to x OK

int x = 10;        // declare and initialize x
x = 11;            // assignment to x OK

var x = 10         // declare and initialize x
x = 11             // assignment to x OK

Immutable Variables


final int x = 10;  // declare and initialize x
x = 11;            // assignment to x fails
     error: cannot assign a value to final variable x

const int x = 10;  // declare and initialize x
x = 11;            // assignment to x fails

final.c:6:3: error: assignment of read-only variable ‘x’

val x = 10         // declare and initialize x
x = 11             // assignment to x fails

final.scala:3: error: reassignment to val

Expression Oriented

C comma expressions

(e_1, e_2, ..., e_n)
Scala compound expressions

{e_1; e_2; ...; e_n}
Semicolons optional (inferred, whitespace sensitive)



  • Parameters require type annotations
    def plus (x:Int, y:Int) : Int = x + y
  • Return types
    • can often be inferred
    • but are required for recursive methods
  • Body is an expression; its value is returned


Conditional expressions for factorial

def fact (n:Int) : Int = if n <= 1 then 1 else n * fact (n - 1)
Compound expressions for side-effects

def fact (n:Int) : Int = 
  println ("called with n = %d".format (n))
  if n <= 1 then 
    println ("no recursive call")
    println ("making recursive call")
    n * fact (n - 1)
Syntax like C statements, but uses expressions

Methods versus fields

  • def can be used as non-parameterized methods
  • val and def differ in when initializer is executed.
  • val is strict (execute when declared); def is non-strict (execute when accessed)

scala> class C:
  val x = 1
  def y = 1

scala> :javap -p -c -filter C
public class C {
  private final int x;
  public int x();
       1: getfield      #18                 // Field x:I
  public int y();
       0: iconst_1
  public C();
      10: putfield      #18                 // Field x:I

Mutable fields

scala> class C:
  val x = 1
  var z = 1

scala> :javap -p -c -filter C
public class C {
  private final int x;
  private int z;
  public int x();
       1: getfield      #19                 // Field x:I
  public int z();
       1: getfield      #23                 // Field z:I
  public void z_$eq(int);
       2: putfield      #23                 // Field z:I
  public C();
       6: putfield      #19                 // Field x:I
      11: putfield      #23                 // Field z:I

Scala Type Checking

  • Scala performs static type checking
    def f () = 5 - "hello"   // rejected by type checker
  • REPL prints types of expressions
  • Java to Scala type hierarchy
    • Java primitive types to Scala value types
    • Java reference types to Scala reference types
    • java.lang.Object to scala.AnyRef

Structured Data

  • Tuples
    • Fixed number of heterogeneous items
  • Lists
    • Variable number of homogeneous items
  • Immutable and mutable variants
  • Pattern matching

Mutable Lists, Etc.

Mutability: Fields versus Data

  • Field mutability is different from data mutability
  • Java mutable linked list with final variable
    final List<Integer> xs = new List<> ();
    xs.add (4); xs.add (5); xs.add (6); // mutating list OK
    xs = new List<> ();                 // reassignment fails
  • Scala immutable linked list with var variable
    var xs = List (4, 5, 6)
    xs = 0 :: xs            // reassignment OK
    xs (1) = 7              // mutating list fails    

Immutable Tuples


val p : (Int, String) = (5, "hello")
val x : Int = p(0)

public class Pair<X,Y> {
  final X x;
  final Y y;
  public Pair (X x, Y y) { this.x = x; this.y = y; }

  static void f () {
    Pair<Integer, String> p = new Pair<Integer, String> (5, "hello");
    Pair<Integer, String> q = new Pair<> (5, "hello"); // infer type params
    int x = p.x;

Pattern Matching Behavior

The behavior of pattern matching...

def a(p:(Int,Int)) = p match
  case (x,y) => x+y
...branches and binds pattern variables

def b(p:(Int,Int)) = 
  if p==null then throw MatchError(p)
  val x = p(0)
  val y = p(1)
  x + y

Immutable Linked Lists

  • Scala's :: is an infix cons operator
Linked List  with four elements: 11, 21, 31, 41

(define xs (cons 11 (cons 21 (cons 31 (cons 41 ())))))

val xs = 11 :: (21 :: (31 :: (41 :: Nil)))

val xs = 11 :: 21 :: 31 :: 41 :: Nil         // right associative

Immutable Linked Lists

  • Projection called head and tail in many PLs

(car xs)
(cdr xs)


Immutable Linked Lists

  • Constructors for linked lists

		 (list 1 2 (+ 1 2))

List (1, 2, 1 + 2)

Pattern Matching Behavior

The behavior of pattern matching...

def f(xs: List[Int]) = xs match 
  case Nil   => "List is empty"
  case x::xt => "List is non-empty, head is %d".format (x)
...branches and binds pattern variables

def g(xs: List[Int]) = 
  if xs == Nil then "List is empty" 
  else if xs.isInstanceOf[::[Int]] then 
    val xc = xs.asInstanceOf[::[Int]]
    val x : Int = xc.head
    val xt : List[Int] = zs.tail
    "List is non-empty, head is %d".format (x)
  else throw MatchError(xs) 

Nesting patterns

  • Patterns can include other patterns
    def f (xs: List[(Int,String)]) = xs match
      case Nil         => "List is empty"
      case _::Nil      => "List has one element"
      case _::(x,_)::_ => s"The second int is ${x}"
    val zs = List ((11,"dog"), (21,"cat"), (31,"pig"))
  • Found in ML, Haskell, Rust, Swift, and coming to Java
  • _ means don't care

Pattern Matching

  • Pattern matching often improves readability
    def f (xs: List[(Int,String)]) = 
      if xs == Nil then "List is empty"
      else if xs.tail == Nil then "List has one element"
      else s"The second int is ${xs.tail.head(0)}"
    val zs = List ((11,"dog"), (21,"cat"), (31,"pig"))

Simple List Operations

  • Implement isEmpty, head, tail by pattern matching

def isEmpty (xs:List[Int]) : Boolean = xs match 
  case Nil   => true
  case x::xt => false

def head (xs:List[Int]) : Int = xs match 
  case Nil   => throw NoSuchElementException ()
  case x::xt => x

def tail (xs:List[Int]) : List[Int] = xs match 
  case Nil   => throw NoSuchElementException ()
  case x::xt => xt

Builtin Methods

  • Builtin head method from List class
    List (1, 2, 3).head
  • head method defined on previous slide
    head (List (1, 2, 3))

Recursive Methods

  • Imperative programming typically has
    • mutable programming
    • iteration using while loops
  • Functional programming typically has
    • immutable programming
    • iteration using recursion
    • Efficient method calls / recursion

Recursive Methods: Lists

Length of a linked list recursively

def length (xs:List[Int]) : Int = xs match 
  case Nil   => 0
  case x::xt => 1 + length (xt)
With parametric polymorphism

def length [X] (xs:List[X]) : Int = xs match 
  case Nil   => 0
  case x::xt => 1 + length (xt)
Ignore head of list with wildcard _

def length [X] (xs:List[X]) : Int = xs match 
  case Nil   => 0
  case _::xt => 1 + length (xt)


Evaluate step-by-step

length (List (1, 2, 3))
--> length (1::(2::(3::Nil)))
--> 1 + length (2::(3::Nil))      // y = 1, xt = 2::(3::Nil)
--> 1 + (1 + length (3::Nil))     // y = 2, xt = 3::Nil
--> 1 + (1 + (1 + length (Nil)))  // y = 3, xt = Nil
--> 1 + (1 + (1 + 0))
--> 1 + (1 + 1)
--> 1 + 2
--> 3

def length (xs:List[Int]) : Int = xs match 
  case Nil   => 0
  case _::xt => 1 + length (xt)
The expression is the state of the computation

Appending Lists

Evaluate step-by-step

append (1::(2::Nil), 3::Nil)
--> 1::(append (2::Nil, 3::Nil))    // x = 1, xt = 2::Nil
--> 1::(2::(append (Nil, 3::Nil)))  // x = 2, xt = Nil
--> 1::(2::(3::Nil))                // x = 2, xt = Nil

def append [X] (xs:List[X], ys:List[X]) : List[X] = xs match 
  case Nil   => ys
  case x::xt => x::(append (xt, ys))
  • Cons cells created with 1 and 2 in head
  • Cons cell (3::Nil) is reused (shared)

Appending Lists

  • Join two lists with append
  • A new list is returned
  • The two lists are not modified
  • But the second list is shared!

def append [X] (xs:List[X], ys:List[X]) : List[X] = xs match 
  case Nil   => ys
  case x::xt => x::(append (xt, ys))
The expression is the state of the computation

Appending Lists

  • List class has builtin method :::

scala> ((1 to 5).toList) ::: ((10 to 15).toList)
res1: List[Int] = List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15)

Unknown Methods

def f [X] (xs:List[X]) : List[X] = xs match 
  case Nil   => Nil
  case x::xt => f (xt) ::: List (x)
What does f do?

f (Nil)
--> Nil

f (3::Nil)
--> f (Nil) ::: List (3)
--> Nil ::: List (3)
--> List (3)

f (2::(3::Nil))
--> f (3::Nil) ::: List (2)
--> List (3) ::: List (2)
--> List (3, 2)

f (1::(2::(3::Nil)))
--> f (2::(3::Nil)) ::: List (1)
--> List (3, 2) ::: List (1)
--> List (3, 2, 1)
Conclusion: f is reverse